Significato Della Vita

Our story:
“Breeding is my passion and hobby. My goal is to breed dogs that will be unforgettable companions for their owners. They will be the best representatives of the breeds with excellent personalities and the strongest possible health”
A little about me, my name is Markéta Hanzaliusová and dogs have been a part of my life since early childhood. In short, there was always a dog at our house. At first, they were mix-breed and then my mother bought
bassets with a pedigree. Other dogs with pedigree we have had were a great dane Emma and then a bloodhound Venecia Iseb called Vendulka.
I was showing dogs already as a child in junior handling (what I didn’t like so much) In 2009, I bought my first aussie called Barnie, with whom I returned to shows and agility. A year later, the female Bonnie a lot and the Jack Russell Terrier Aberdeen came along.
In 2013 Bonnie had her first litter so did I. That same year we had aussie Miss Storm. Who was my shadow from day one. She loves frisbee, and as did others, loved to spend a days with me in a horse stable. Mainly thanks to Storm, I decided to create the Stormy Bellis kennel in 2021, and so Storm became the founder of my aussie breeding with her last litter in 2021.
Since 2012, I have admired the breeding of Janka Kadnárová and their Lagottos until my dream came true in 2017 and I took my first lagotto Granulka from the Solipse kennel, and her daughter Tessie is the founder of our agotto breeding Significato Della Vita.
An integral part of our breeding is my partner Mira and son Matýsek. Both of them help me with the dogs every day and I dare to say that they both have the same favorite, which is Beavis. Mira came to dogs like a blind man to a violin, however, as he says himself "I am already a cynologist" Very important is also my cousin Káťa who loves our dogs and takes care of them when we aren’t home
I do my breeding as genuine as possible, not to be subject to show trends, but to really get as close as possible to the standard and at the same time maintain the best possible temperament and health in breeding.
Furthermore I pay attention so that my dogs are always perfectly groomed and performed at shows, each of our dogs is dedicated to at least one activity that he enjoys.(shows, herding, obedience, canistherapy) despite our daily walks to nature but the most important thing they all are our well loved companions.
I try to teach the owners of my puppies the same thing and that is why I pay a lot of attention to breeding service and communication. Because I want them to enjoy puppy from me and want my puppy be happy with them.
If you like our breeding program, we will be happy if you contact us.